Because of the anonymous nature of the Internet, it’s difficult to know who is trying to scam you. This woman, my ex-wife, is a drama queen who abuses and manipulates the courts and Children’s Protective Services against all of the men in her life. I was very pleased with the quality, attentiveness of your services. This has included complaints to the previous Director for the State of Michigan of the Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS), a Maura Corrigan, and her predecessor and the current Director of MDHHS, a Nick Lyons. The following is my description of my 4 year nightmare and experience with the corrupt and abusive employees of the Flint, Michigan office of Children’s Protective Service for Genesee County, Michigan, a division of the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) in Lansing, Michigan, and particularly with a Flint C.P.S. In Michigan, prosecutors have charged Dr. Charles Mok with health care fraud after he allegedly sold patients a Vitamin C IV therapy that they say he claimed could protect the body from the coronavirus. Following each purchase, Fodje Bobga and the co-conspirators claimed that a transportation company would deliver the puppy or other animal and provided a false tracking number for the pet. More than 28,000 votes are claimed to have been cast by individuals who did not meet the definition of “indefinite confinement” and thereby avoided the otherwise mandatory voter identification requirement. All National Grid employees carry photo ID cards, and any contractor doing work for the company is also required to carry identification. A General Motors brand, Saturn was introduced in 1985 as an attempt by the company to compete with the range of Japanese vehicles flooding the US market. Kristaps Ronka, chief executive of Namesilo, the domain registrar used by the scammers, told TechCrunch that the company suspended the domain “on the first report” it received.
This con tent w as g en erated wi th GSA Content Gener at or DE MO!
I am exercising my First Amendment Right to publish my experience with this corrupt agency and will publish your experience as well on this page/site. In a charismatic religion, adherents experience the power of their chosen deity directly in their daily lives – in other words, they believe that God chooses to interact with humans every day, creating frequent miraculous events. I attached this police report to legal documents for my custody case and the same judge, Duncan M. Beagle, had it removed by the county clerk, along with removing all physical evidence submitted to this same court of what is going on in my ex-wife’s home, where my son lives. He currently lives and goes to a middle school in Genesee County, Michigan. The following was all done to me after I filed a criminal complaint for a crime committed by these same Genesee County C.P.S. Unfortunately the Genesee County 7th Circuit Court’s family court judge, a Duncan M. Beagle, refuses to hear their testimony or review any of their professional evaluations after him assigning these same parenting time supervisors to the case. The family court judge in my case refuses to allow a hearing to present all of this evidence of her lifestyle and her pattern of child abuse claims and claims of physical abuse against her by every man in her life which she has made for several decades now. I have repeated nightmares and anxiety attacks because of this fraud perpetuated by these public servants for over 4 years now. I have filed over 2 dozen formal complaints, and I can provide proof of all of them, between August of 2012 and September of 2016, all directly sent by certified U.S.
It should be noted that my ex-wife has filed countless child abuse claims against all of the fathers (her ex-husbands) of her 3 children, and made claims of physical abuse committed against her by all of her ex-husbands and her most recent fiancé, all of which coincidently are only made after she has filed for divorce from any one of them, breaks off a relationship, or immediately after any of the fathers are attempting to establish parental rights through the courts. Most recently she filed child abuse claims against her fiancé and then broke up with him as well. Because of a domestic dispute between myself and my ex-wife, Michelle, who has gone by several last names through her many divorces, I was required to have a timeframe of supervised visits to establish parenting and custody rights for my only minor child, “Miguel”, with 2 professional court appointed parenting time supervisors that were assigned by the 7th Circuit Court of Genesee County, Michigan, to supervise, observe, and then report back to the Court with their professional evaluations. My entire family and I were the only ones forced to do this in order to see my little boy, despite the fact that both my ex-wife and I were involved in the same domestic dispute with one another and were both equally responsible. Unfortunately, my ex-wife was given “Exclusive Use” of this home by the Genesee County 7th Circuit court during my divorce and after my divorce. I provided Genesee County (Flint) C.P.S. MDHHS agency and the Genesee County (Flint) C.P.S.
My lawyer had reviewed a document from Genesee County (Flint) C.P.S., that he found in the Judge’s chambers, that documented that my son’s mother (my ex-wife), and her fiancé, were both placed on a program by Genesee County (Flint) C.P.S. The domestic dispute between my ex-wife and I in no way had involved my only child who was only 3 years of age at that time and was sleeping in an upstairs bedroom; rather our fight was in the lower portion of my house. Since this domestic dispute in 2009, my son has always lived with his mother between 2009 and this month. She and her fiancé were both involved in a domestic dispute and physical altercation with one another, just like she has been involved in domestic disputes in all of her prior marriages with all of her ex-husbands and her children’s fathers. I can provide my full name to anyone who needs a witness, needs my evidence, or is dealing with similar problems with this same Children’s Protective Services office in Flint, Michigan. If anyone is interested in my evidence, needs a witness, is dealing with these same corrupt Flint C.P.S. Michigan public employees’ supervisors within the Genesee County (Flint) C.P.S. Unfortunately for my entire Hispanic family and I, the Genesee County 7th Circuit Court, particularly family court judge Duncan M. Beagle, has a record of requiring only the minority parent in a divorce to be supervised by court appointed parenting time supervisors when seeking such parenting time rights, as I was required to submit myself to in order to establish these rights. It could allow him to provide regular dividend payments for each family member, succession plans for any businesses the icon invested in and a growth strategy for his legacy.