The Ten Commandments Of Scam

Cybercriminals like to create scam websites and online scams so that they can trick users into willingly handing over information or money. There has been a common practice in the…

The Enterprise Of Scam

The “War on Terror” is a fraud and a façade, a mere label concocted and trumpeted by an Administration known for its signature dishonesty. All of these politicians have in…

Eight Step Checklist for Scam

To understand how serious this type of fraud is, think about how government officials would react if a company forecast a huge increase in revenues - and sent press releases…

Fraud For Dollars

Essex said establishing email accounts and ensuring they are all funnelled to the same place would be easy, but auditing the vote to determine if fraud took place would not.…

You, Me And Naked: The Truth

This scam starts with one of those annoying calls from an unknown number that only rings once. This scam could be conducted by social media or even in person. We…

All About Fraud

Forgery, for example, is dealt with under section 470 of the penal code while perjury (also considered an act of fraud) is dealt with in section 118. There are many…